Risk Management Reviews
Policy and Procedure Manuals
Accreditation Support
Incident Reporting Strategies
Staff & Board Training
Critical Incident Response Scenarios
Incident Analysis and Learning
Custom Presentations
Expert Witness Testimony
Our team has over 100 years of combined experience in outdoor / experiential education risk management, which has taught us first and foremost to be humble in our approach, and to look first for what's going well in an organization before trying to make improvements.
Our approach arises from a combination of experience, research, and lessons learned from the larger communities of outdoor risk management and safety science.
By staying actively involved in the larger community of practice in outdoor and experiential education, we stay in touch with the most current issues, trends, and areas of concerns and opportunity in risk management. Our team has been involved in significant roles at major industry-leading national conferences, global associations, and accrediting bodies, and we bring that experience and knowledge to support you in your risk management goals and efforts.
National Audubon Society
Outward Bound USA
The Sierra Club
The Wilderness Society
The Mountain Center
Colorado Mountain College
Montana Wilderness School
Northwest Youth Corps
YMCA of Greater Seattle
Big City Mountaineers
The Bush School
Global Citizen Year/Tilting Futures
Outdoor Outreach
Open Sky Wilderness Therapy
Rite of Passage Journeys
Riverstone International School
The Chadwick School
Open Window School
Lakeside School
The Overlake School
Forest Ridge School
Washington Alpine Club
Wilderness Awareness School
Camp Manito-wish
WA Trails Association
American YouthWorks
Heart of Oregon Corps
Maximizing the benefits of outdoor experiences

Research shows that children spend over 90% of their lives indoors, and 50 hours per week using some kind of electronic device. The negative impact this trend has on their well-being, physical and cognitive growth, and their ability to prepare themselves for adulthood, is also well documented.
Research also shows positive correlation between outdoor experiences, increased health, and enhanced social skills / cognitive development. As society now starts to recognize these character-building, positive aspects of outdoor experiences, many schools, outdoor programs, foundations and government agencies are creating tremendous momentum to increase access and opportunity.
Experiential Consulting can help maximize the educational outcomes of your program, while assessing and managing risks to individuals and organizations. We believe in the transformative power of outdoor experiences and are here to help you make the most of your experiential learning programs.